• Monday Juniors League •
Mondays 3:45pm-5:30pm
All junior memberships at Lakes Curling Club up to age 21 are $50 for the season. New curlers will receive a free broom with their paid membership, but must provide their own clean pair of shoes not worn outside. Paid junior members can attend Monday's instructional, and may also choose to join a team on any league night at no extra cost.
There will also be opportunities to participate in optional area bonspiels (curling tournaments) throughout the season. Scholarships are available to cover the entry fees for these events through our club.
December: 2nd, 9th, 16th, 30th (no league on Dec. 23rd)
January: 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th
February: 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th
*February 28th-March 2nd -MN High School State Tournament at Cambridge, MN
March 3rd, 10th (end of year party)
For questions regarding junior curling, contact Jake Blow at jakeblow14@gmail.com.
Greenhorn League is on Sundays from 6pm to 8pm, December 3, 10, 17 and January 7, 14, 21. New curlers can learn to play alongside experienced curlers. No experience or equipment needed. If you want to learn to curl but are uncomfortable joining a league team or can’t commit to a full season, this is perfect for you. Contact Mike Morrison 701-388-9202 or email drmike32@gmail.com for more information or to join greenhorn league. Cost for the season is $100.
Dec.-Jan. @ 630-830PM
Dec. 3rd
Dec. 10th
Dec. 17th
Jan. 7th
Jan. 14th
Jan. 21st
30 minutes of practice/instruction followed by curling matches
100$ entry per curler (unless you have a membership already)
Register Online!
Click the "Register Now" button.